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Webinar: The Employment Story

The Future of Recruiting and Employer Brand

What will differentiate employers today and in the foreseeable future is their ability to clearly articulate their employer brand. That means telling the authentic and compelling story of employment with their organization.

What is it like to engage with the company before being hired, during the hiring process, through on-boarding, as an employee and even as an alum of the company?

This has major implications at the strategic and tactical level of just about every area of the company.

And we'll tell you why.

What you will learn

  • Why your employment story will be the ultimate differentiating factor for employees
  • Why mastering media will be essential to improving talent acquisition efforts
  • The importance of finally making talent a central component of strategic planning
  • Why RPO providers need to be out ahead of their clients
  • The most important skills recruiters will need moving forward


Leadership Speaker

Joel Capperella helps business and marketing leaders raise their marketing game. His organization, Capperella Strategies, LLC helps companies understand the deeper meaning and impact their products and services have upon the marketplace and empowers them to tell that story broadly, and connect that story to the sales process. Building the habit of connecting story to sales helps clients of Capperella Strategies get crazy amounts of awareness, a bigger pipeline, faster revenue, and empowers the company to transform how they recruit top talent. Capperella Strategies works best for teams that are looking to get more out of their content marketing, PR investment, creative agencies, recruiting efforts, and helps build greater employee engagement, customer advocacy and empathetic leaders.  

Live Date: January 24, 2017