Strategic Talent Solutions [Webinar]
Case Studies of True Business Impact
Building a strategic talent solution can have far-reaching impact throughout your organization. Translating that impact to meaningful data and information that can be shared with executives can be powerful.
In this 30-minute webinar, the speakers share two examples of organizations with unique talent acquisition challenges, and illustrate the big business impact that resulted from applying strategic talent solutions.
After 20 years of steady growth, this regional non-profit HMO provider of 400-employees experienced an aggressive expansion, forecasting an addition of 100 exempt jobs over a period of 12 months. Staffing the organization with high quality talent was imperative in order to continue making a difference in the lives of their clients; however, the small HR department was not ready to handle these hiring needs.
Learn how this organization was able to recruit and engage top talent (with 73% of those hires coming from passive candidates,) exceed hiring manager and candidate satisfaction goals of 4.2 / 5.0, and reduce cycle time by more than 60 days by implementing a recruitment process outsourcing program.
This national government contractor has high staffing needs across the United States, spanning hundreds of cities. The organization does not have an internal recruiting team and has a complicated 27-step hiring process due to rigorous government requirements.
Learn how this organization implemented recruitment process outsourcing to fill 3,000 jobs annually, with 85% of those roles revenue generating. RPO allowed this organization to scale its recruiting to meet its fluctuating needs, improve the efficiency of its 27-step hiring process, and save over $450,000 annually by increasing the retention and passing rate of candidates.
About the Speakers
Pam Verhoff
President, Advanced RPO
Pam is an accomplished executive leader that has extensive experience building RPO businesses and solutions, as well as developing growth strategy. Pam is responsible for all aspects of strategic planning, sales and marketing, operations, financial management and compliance for Advanced RPO. Her success has largely been a result of building high performance teams and creating a values-driven culture resulting in exceptional employee engagement.
Tim Oyer
VP RPO Solutions, Advanced RPO
Tim is an RPO veteran that brings significant knowledge and experience to companies that want to gain competitive edge through talent acquisition. For more than 20 years Tim has worked directly with clients to diagnose their talent acquisition programs and create a variety of long-term solutions to improve their organizational capacity. Tim’s approach always starts with understanding the organization, their business drivers, hiring practices, performance metrics and vision for a winning solution.