Building Your Brand Through the Hiring Process [White Paper]

There are multiple touch points throughout the hiring process. The first and last impressions that the candidate has are crucial in determining a candidate’s opinion of your company.

The first impression that your organization wants candidates to have is that your job is desirable.

The final impression that a candidate will comes away with will be after the application process. That's comprised of their experiences throughout, which you want to be as favorable as possible.

To examine branding specifically in the hiring process, we will look at five distinct phases:

  1. Opportunity Discovery
  2. Company Discovery
  3. Application Process
  4. Interviewing
  5. Onboarding

Learn how to build your brand through recruitment and start enhancing your name and success at the same time! 


This white paper is sponsored by Accolo, Inc. an RPOA member and RPO provider.
